This drama will be written for the 11:30 slot on BBC Radio 4. The slot is designed for ‘wry and witty’ pieces, and this is what we intend the drama to be. The commissioning brief states that ‘small casts and simple plots’ are invited. Our piece is relatively simple and contains a maximum of 3 key voices over the course of the piece. The brief highlights that 11:30 is a ‘busy time of day’ so the fact that we will be having Jack and the Police investigator discussing his actions in the taxi should help those listeners who may have misheard something, or missed some of the piece. It’s important to keep the audience’s attention throughout the piece, so these explanations should be detailed enough for those who are busy, but not patronising to those who know what is going on. New information should be revealed in these sequences.
In terms of multi-platforming, we will be creating a production blog containing notes about the development of ideas, the process of finding actors and recording and editing the final piece. In addition to that, the blog will contain profiles of all the actors and link to websites that they wish people to see. Character biographies will also be on display on the website, much like those on the BBC’s Archers website. If there is any unused audio, that will be added to the website as a type of ‘deleted scene’ content. If Jack’s character was seen to be a success, there is great potential in a serial of this format, and possibly and online presence, and even a TV series if it was seen to be entertaining enough.